Soma Bognar, a Brighton-based artist, is known for his thought-provoking paintings that capture the world through a comforting, yet somewhat grotesque lens. His love of colour is undeniable – his palette is usually dominated by vivid colours, with occasional highly contrasting hues. Beginning with abstract shapes and organically chosen colour, the painting grows in response to itself.
After studying harp at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and moving on from his career as a professional musician, Bognar has shifted his creative focus to painting, captivated by the challenge of depicting raw, subconscious imagery.
During his process, dreams are layered on top of each other, creating a cacophonous riot of figure, pattern and hue. Bognar predominantly paints in acrylic; however, he occasionally
uses oil paint and other mediums. His aesthetic choices are visceral rather than premeditated. Bognar's paintings deal with impermanence, and general struggles around
self-identity and they invite the observer to think about what it means to be human. His style has been impacted by a range of inspirations, including post-impressionism, folk art, books, and music.
Bognar's work has been included in a number of group exhibitions, including the RA Summer Exhibition both in 2023 and 2024.
Bognar's art has been acquired by private collectors across the UK, Europe, Japan and the US.
Turps Off-Site Hastings Programme - 2024/205
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London, UK
Velarde Gallery, 'Paradise', Kingsbridge, UK
Winter Show, Brighton Art Space, Brighton, UK
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London, UK
Tremenheere Gallery, 'Rapture', Penzance, UK
'Rapture', The Regency Town House, Brighton, UK
Six Foot Gallery, Summer Exhibition, Glasgow, UK
Tinimini Room, Online Group Exhibition @tinimini_room
'The Absurd', Crypt Gallery, London, UK
Artsinsquare Magazine - Issue 4
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